Roger, Somente uma observação, porque me parece que é importante no momento de fechar a proa... No o post de ralf na Korea Ele diz "I did not pay enough attention to the question of mooring cleats before building the decks and find it time consuming to fit in enforcing spots to support the mooring cleats now.The plans do not really show any mooring cleats so I had just forgotten about them for a while and then it was a bit late."
ResponderExcluirSomente uma observação, porque me parece que é importante no momento de fechar a proa... No o post de ralf na Korea
Ele diz "I did not pay enough attention to the question of mooring cleats before building the decks and find it time consuming to fit in enforcing spots to support the mooring cleats now.The plans do not really show any mooring cleats so I had just forgotten about them for a while and then it was a bit late."
So isso
Caro amigo Syltão, deveremos usar a opção 2 de ancoragem, que pode ser vista na pag. 31 do building plans.
ResponderExcluirAonde os cabos de ancora são presos na ponta das crossbeams. Veja post de hoje.